Falling Through Again
How can I fall again into the deep crevice that holds my faults? Such a feat would be achieved from one with low fortitude and will to fight back. Emotions cannot always be controlled, but when they are you are left blank with how you were able to...
Poem #76: The Hourglass
_The Hourglass_ The sounds of an hourglass Are small, but exist. Its affects upon the mouse are none indeed But the effects on man are greater For the man feels rushed and hurried To complete his task in the time allotted. He hurries to complete...
Poem #77: Carjacking Bikers
_Carjacking Bikers_ To steal from another person Is to spit on his day Laugh at his normalcy Or happiness or sadness For an entire 24 hours And he barely remembers it The next day Hopefully. Is to punch the smile from his face Take his...
The Hunter
The antlered head of the prey turned, facing the east as the light of its life, faded from eyes of chocolate hue. withdrawing teeth from flesh, the hunter licked its lips clean of blood, and sat back on its haunches.
The Time In Between
Now is the time to make myself a new and create my own trail into the forest of life.
My guild to help people in Life. Part 1
life is full of problems that every one faces. it can be handled in many ways, like a test or a maze of only some of the ways to handle it.
Poem #61: Dance with the Music
I guess one could say that its about finding your own path in life. anyways, hope you enjoy.
Poem #42: Nothing
It is about appreciating life.
Poem #16: Life
[creative commons license](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/) "life" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](http://creativecommons.org
A Draw
Do people only care about me because they worry about me? Or do they actually take interest of what I hold myself up to be? I do not believe that what I show others is the real me. I feel like a fake; forever hiding from judgment and the truth. How can...
Feind of time unvale your testomony demon of life unleash your strife angle of death unseal your sheath time meets life, life meets death, death meats time, as we flow through the eternal stream we carry the burden **that is life
I Dream Of Insects 2
Our two transformed insects now have a new mission in life: to prevent others from suffering the same fate as they have. (there is no transform tag as the pair are already transformed in the beginning.)