Ocean Depths part 15

Ocean Depths 15 By Roofles The bed was decorated as much as the living room had been. The room cleaned up as hastily as the living room had been. The gray lavender sheets pulled back. Flower petals were sprinkled across the whole bedspread, along...

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Ocean Depths part 13

OD part 13 By Roofles "Becky, I'll be taking the day off. You think you guys can hold down the fort while I handle a few things, here?" Carlson pressed Lucas against his door kissing his neck and chest, rubbing his paws up his side and into the...

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Ocean depths part 12

Ocean Depths chapter 12 By Roofles "What were you two thinking?" The guard barked. "That's a public pool! And you guys weren't even wearing the proper equipment." Carlson couldn't help but smile at that, licking his lips, his head down seemingly...

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Ocean Depths part 11

Ocean Depths part 11 Sink or Swim By Roofles Lucas shut the door behind them, flushed and hot faced. "We shouldn't be here." He said a bit nervously looking around to see if anyone saw the two. The swimming pool at the community rec center was...

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Ocean Depths part 10

Ocean Depths, chapter 8 Another day in paradise By Roofles Lucas excused himself from the apartment shutting the door lightly as to not wake up the sleeping otter on his couch. He had left a note behind under the plate of breakfast he had left...

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Ocean Depths part 9

Ocean depths chapter 9 Memories By Roofles It had been obvious how much it pained the otter to leave him be. The large male having gotten more and more excited throughout the night, leaving a few rather large hickies across his neck and chest....

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Ocean Depths part 8

Ocean Depths, part 8 Upstream Trips through unsteady Seas By Roofles Despair. A dull aching pain that dug into Lucas's heart. No matter how much he scrubbed, soaped or washed that smell still clung to him. Reminding him of it all. How he was such...

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Ocean Depths part 7

Ocean Depths part 7 Daily lives By Roofles The Badger "Our first date and you invite your friends to come tag along? How romantic," Lucas rolled his eyes looking at the menu in front of him. "We've spent several nights together-," Carlson tried to...

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Ocean Depths part 6

Ocean Depths Part 6 Confessions By Roofles the Badger Lucas wasn't sure exactly how things had transpired in the brief time the two had known each other. That slick, smooth paw brushing his cheek as those sparkling blue sapphires stared at him with...

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Ocean Depths part 5

Ocean Depths Chapter 5 By Roofles Lucas slammed the door behind him, making the shutter shake in their frames. He half expected the cheap pieces of shit to fall off. Wouldn't surprise him in this pit hole he found himself in. The apartment was...

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Ocean Depths part 4

Ocean Depths Chapter 4 By Roofles Mark, Lucas, Kevin and Joel headed into the same place they hit every Friday night. Joule's Palace. A simple nightclub in the down town suburbs. It was more of a restaurant than a club. Separated on different...

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Ocean Depths part 3

Ocean Depths Chapter 3 By Roofles The warm water spraying against his front, with that warm body hugging his back was all that warmed the dull ache in his heart. He couldn't deny what he had done or how he felt. Yet the way those skillful paws...

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