Day 8 Crime _ Punish

The draw of their crime-filled histories would appeal to some of his more severe clients, the kind who paid more to be able to express whatever they wanted. still, if any officials did drop by for a little surprise, the paperwork was there.

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Do the time do the crime

Story for: ShowNoMercy Hey, I am Ketch. I am a Sneasel that works for a prison, I watch the inmates go on with their daily chores and stuff. It can get boring. Usually I have to break up fights and such but it's usually calm. But until one day. ...

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Hunter of Mad Kings: From Beyond the Grave

You unraveled the crimes nobody else could - sometimes not even wanted to - solve, bringing those who deemed themselves save behind the veils of lies and deceit they had constructed to conceal their involvement in the unspeakable felonies they had wrought.

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The White Robe Chapter 17

CHAPTER 17 Corbett didn't return to the station right away after his visit at the Kincaid's. The pictures in the house and the way they felt made him realize that he couldn't live with himself if he didn't try to do something. Even though he knew that...

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The White Robe Chapter 15

He worked in the lab results and added them to the evidentiary files along with the reports from the first crime scene unit who matched the girl's paw prints to those found on the knife.

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The White Robe Chapter 13

Chapters 1-4 can be found in Part 1 - Caught Chapters 5-6 can be found in Part 2 - Accused Chapters 7-12 can be found in Part 3 - Investigation CHAPTER 13 Corbett sat at his desk in the squad room, going over the notes that he'd made on his tablet...

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The White Robe Chapter 29

"I managed to get ahold of someone over in the magistrate's office, Inspector, and they told me that I was out of luck for the night unless I was looking for a warrant," Sylvester said over the car's speakers. The drive back into the city always took...

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Elephant Tears

. :-) it's basically a crime drama using hypnosis to figure who was responsible for the massacre of an entire group of elephants.

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How Things Are

A cool summer breeze blew past a solitary Doberman standing on the corner of Griffith and Green avenue; the edges of his open trench coat fluttered, revealing two silenced Berettas on each side resting comfortably in holsters. One Silver. One Black....

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Eight

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT MIKEY The white Prius was a gift from Joey's grandmother. She'd died two years earlier, and the car had been sitting unused in a car lot since then, as Joey felt it was a yuppie car more suited for suburban families than for a...

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Kade Chapter 3

Kade--Chapter Three-- * * * Tyler's apartment was modest, almost Spartan, in its lack of color and taste. The walls were plain and untouched, the floor of the living room was bland carpeting and there was nothing in anything Kade could see that made...

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Scammer's Soliloquy

Not bothering to lock the office door behind me, I tiredly limped up the stairs to the apartment. If a burglar with half the mind of Joey Hawkins--my recent subject of investigation as of late--decided to...

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