To Dress a Pig Chapter 4: Dreams Deferred.

**Chapter 4: Dreams Deferred.** "You're late," Garth said to her in a teasing voice, shoving her with his paw. "What are you talking about?" she asked him with a smile, "I'm never late," she defended then pushed him back, "YOU'RE always here too...

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To Dress a Pig: Chapter 3

**Chaper 3: Good Intentions**. Garth didn't even realize that he had fallen asleep until he felt the rays of the morning sun beating against his eyelids, and as he was stirred from his slumber, his eyes pinched tightly closed then slowly opened. ...

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To Dress a Pig: Chapter 2: A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Heavy thoughts tormented Garth's mind that night as he slipped so cautiously out of his den, treading on paws as light and as quick as a hummingbird's wing beat. Into the blue moonlight he stepped, taking a moment to pause and breathe for a spell as he...

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Undisclosed Desires: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: Aftermath** Kodi dreaded the mail run today and almost considered ducking out of town until they had left, for the last thing he wanted right now was to face the team, Dusty especially. The childish jabs and jokes that Kirby and Ralph...

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To Dress a Pig

**Chapter 1: Private Affairs** "Oh! Mpfh! Deeper, Garth! Harder," she screamed, burying her face into the dirt beneath her paws. Garth grunted and pinched his eyes tightly closed, more than happy and more than willing to oblige. He paused for a...

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Dingo's Revenge Chapter 3

The hours dragged by and the horrid scent of death and blood inside of the shed was so thick that the only surviving occupants inside of it could swear that it was sticking to the inside of their noses. Jenna, having been the most traumatized by the...

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Undisclosed Desires Chapter 2

**Chapter 2: When Dreams Become Reality** Kodi woke the next morning to find his mother's basket empty and upon a quick inspection of his surroundings, found himself himself to be all alone. He cocked his head to the side, wondering momentarily...

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Undisclosed Desires

**Chapter 1: Complications** "Then come and get me," Kodi heard Jenna answer, fluttering her eyelids and sweeping her tail invitingly from side to side. Kodi's eyes widened and he felt himself beginning to become erect, for here she was, his mother,...

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In the Negative: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Public Enemy #2.** The wolf in the mouth of the den scoffed out a laugh and shook his head. "Now is that any way to greet a guest, runt?" he asked sarcastically. Humphrey scowled. "What are you doing here?" he asked dryly as he...

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The Missing Links

**The Missing Links** **Alright, y'all. This story here will be a multi-chaptered work that will fill in the holes that were left in the movie where we experienced large jumps in time. Enjoy.** **Chapter 1: Comforts** The low clouds,...

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Pick Your Poison

**Pick Your Poison** **WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT** The day was nearing an end in Jasper, the eastward pointing shadows growing long as the sun made its routine descent over the curve of the earth. The mountains and the trees were lavished in an...

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The Weight: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Deliverance Humphrey did not know why it felt so good to tell his story, but as he wrote, he could feel an immense weight begin to lift from his shoulders. With each word that he etched into the dirt, he felt something begin to rise inside...

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