The End: Chapter 23: The Alcoholic

Chapter 23: The Alcoholic Chapter 23: The Alcoholic Humphrey's P.O.V. I'm not even really sure where to begin, honestly. When I told him that we wanted him to be our pups' godfather, he was determined that he would kick his addiction in just a...

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The End: Chapter 19: "From the Beginning, Mr. Gaites..."

Kate's P.O.V. I don't know why the case suddenly began to click for me, but- and I hate to say this, I think it had something to do with Humphrey's departure to A-School a couple days prior. I think that without him around to distract me, I could...

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The End: Chapter 18: The Lingering Question.

Humphrey's P.O.V. It was about two weeks before I left for A-School when all previously existing mandates were lifted and life in the park got back to normal. When Winston made the announcement, the whole pack went nuts and the party that followed was...

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The End: Chapter 17: The Secrets We Keep

Chapter 17: The Secrets We Keep Kate's P.O.V. I suspected that I was pregnant pretty early on. I had begun to notice subtle changes in my body and in my appetite that I had never experienced, and certain instincts that had no other explanation began...

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The End: Chapter 12: Reconciliation

* * * **Humphrey's P.O.V. ** As I stepped beyond the threshold of the den, I was immediately greeted by the warmth of my mother's voice. "Humphrey!" she greeted as she stepped forward and wrapped me up in a welcoming embrace, "it's so good to...


The End: Chapter 16: Off the Beaten Path

Kate's P.O.V. For the life of me, I can't tell you why this memory stands out so much for me, but I recall one particular evening out among the pack with my mate. It sounds like there should be more to it than that, but honestly there isn't. Nothing...

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The End: Chapter 15: The More Things Change...

Humphrey's P.O.V. The afternoon slowly waned into the evening as Kate and I sat silently on the slab podium and watched the pack's alphas slowly trickle into the den as we all awaited the arrival of the Official Party. Though sidelong glances were...

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The End: Chapter 14: Meat Eater

* * * **Humphrey's P.O.V. ** I cannot explain the way I felt on the day that Charlie disappeared. Though I was repulsed by the state of his body and the impending qhorrors about which he foretold, I found, once the initial shock of his...

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The End: Chapter 13: When Charlie Appeared...

Chapter 13: When Charlie Appeared... Humphrey's P.O.V. The days and weeks following that fight were some of the best of my life. Once all of the tension that the two of us had stored since the day of our wedding had finally broken, bitterness and...

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The End: Chapter 20: Murder, Myths, and Meilo.

Chapter 20: Murder, Myths, and Meilo. Kate's P.O.V. The journey home afforded me about an hour worth of silence in which to think and reflect upon my interview with Detective Gaites. Obviously, since they were the reason I even went to...

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The End: Chapter 21: Time and Trauma.

Chapter 21: Time and Trauma. Kate's P.O.V. The next three days were the longest days of my life, and, honestly there aren't even words to describe what happened. Believe me, I've tried to put the events that transpired over those three...

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