Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 1

Foreward: Thank you for choosing to read this story, I've been working on this chapter for a couple weeks and I've had a lot of help from old friends to get this finished. Right off the bat I want to thank Sun Tzu1 from for helping me...

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5

"it's been a busy day all over," grams bear yawned. "we should all get some sleep." the others nodded and got up.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 1

grams bear couldn't help but chuckle, having watched the display from her kitchen doorway. "very good, marina. no reason to rush growing up, there's plenty of time for that in the future." marina smiled, "thanks, great grams bear."

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 4

The last fog evaporated from sage heart's brain as he darted forwards into the nursery, finding noble heart, grams bear and life heart already hard at work.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 7

Hugs and tugs had gone home with grams bear after giving their parents a goodbye hug.

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Finding Family Chapter 3

Indy was waiting in the entrance to the hall of hearts with true heart, grams bear, sage heart and life heart unicorn as they watched the bus approaching. "are you sure you can handle this? i can stay and help," grams bear said.

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Finding Family Chapter 4

True heart, noble heart, grams bear, sage heart and life heart took off after what they thoughts was dark heart.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

"i vaguely remember, i didn't spend much time babysitting that night, your mom and grams bear showed us a lot of what to do.


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 14

I had to hunt and forage before i became grams bear and i still remember what it felt like to take down prey, i had to even more because i had a cub growing inside of me.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 21

True heart was visiting grams bear for the day. noble heart stood in front of the two who were facing each other and holding both of each other's hands as he spoke.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 4

Until further notice any visits to them will be made only with my permission," take care's eyes narrowed, "do not go to noble heart, true heart or grams bear to get permission over my head, do you all understand?"


Finding Family Chapter 1

"welcome to care-a-lot, this is true heart bear," she pointed to the cream colored bear, "grams bear" the grey one, "and my mate, sage heart bear," she took the blue bear's hand.

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