Death from the Shadows: Saturday, July 8th, 2197

"So, they let you out of the nut house?" Dylan asked with a grin as Nyeusi made his way down into the kitchen. The question was met by a middle finger from Nyeusi, and a glare from Jamie. Dylan overlooked the middle finger, but the glare caused him to...

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Death from the Shadows - Friday, July 7th, 2197

David glanced at the computer monitor that sat on his desk, looking at the calendar that was pulled up. He scrolled a finger down the agenda view and found who the next patient was. Nyeusi Rigby, the entry said, and David let out a soft groan when he...

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Death from the Shadows: Prologue

My name is Gabriel Alexander, though it hasn't always been that. I have gone by a few names in my life. Nyeusi Kifu, Nyeusi Rigby, and finally Gabriel Alexander. As I watch over my wife, Jamie, and my son Edward as they work to clean up the leaves...

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Uploaded, a Hc Svnt Dracones fanfic

Which kind of makes me think that one of the "soft" sci-fi elements of the universe is dualism, which would make digitrans and body replacement surgery some form of guided reincarnation.

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[Commission] Liber Ridiculus

soft sci-fi, where things like alchemy were easily possible, just the ancient practitioners didn't have the right tools for it. since we now knew how to undo the process of "fusing", there was no real moral questions to worry about.

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