Bad Man

Do you think I'm a bad man? I wonder this as I lean over the moaning feline, keeping my hand pressed down on the side of his head with one hand, my other holding his hips up high as my own slam into his ass while my cock spreads his hole wide. His...

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This is not a story of the many millions who died by the machinations of this unnamed species. rather this is a story of the few that lived and through great personal hardship, gained the appearance of freedom from tyranny.

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Character Profile: Klin

He is an unnamed species that likely has it's origins during the first great apocalyptic crusade.


Of Roses and Winds, chapter 1

Around them lay scattered the bodies of wolves, monkeys, pigs, cows, a dozen other unnamed species in a dozen styles of armor. weapons lay strewn around as if some giant had dropped them across the field.

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