**"Spaces."** There's so much space between my prince and I. Why did he have to leave? Unable to look him in the eye. Heart in hand, shouting from my sleeve. "You must go to him!" "I can't he's much too far." "You must be with him!" "I can't...
That Night in March
Should I try now? I thought. I ran my hand across the top of my head, trying to flatten the grape purple fur that had been fraying all over since I woke up that morning. God I looked stupid with my fur like that. He sat next to me, quietly watching the...
Remember 5
I woke up to nothing but shouting and white lights. I thought I'd gone blind, but my vision slowly came back to me. The doctors, a sea of animals all wearing vests covered in blood. One approached me mumbling some things. "25, male.... Head...