The Prince and the Beg: Chapter One

** INTRODUCTION: PLEASE READ** * * * If you haven't read the [Prologue]( "Prologue"), do so now. The foxes are Arab-inspired (because the old Arab word for a fox is fanak, which is the root of the name of the...

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The Prince and the Beg: Prologue

Ah, it is good you have come, my friend. It is not often I get furs to come to visit, at least not anymore. It has been many a year, in fact. Please, take a seat. I shall bring tea and boreks. Please, I enjoy company. Here, let me share an old tale...

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The Prince and the Beg: Chapter Two

** INTRODUCTION: PLEASE READ** * * * If you haven't read the [Prologue]( "Prologue") or [Chapter 1]( "Chapter 1"), do so now. The foxes are Arab-inspired (because the old Arab...

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