I'm Sorry, I Wasn't Listening

I hated him. I hated his stupid face. I hated his stupid clothes. I hated every single strand of perfectly conditioned fur on his stupid fucking body. And yet there I was, sitting across a table from him, listening to him drone on and on about himself...

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Skipping a Generation

If you had asked me about Johannes Kaufmann when I was younger, I would have told you that he was the coldest, meanest old bear I had ever met. All I could gather about him during my adolescence was that he had attached himself to my family for reasons...

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Adventures in Bad Decisionmaking

I had never felt more out of place in my life than when I first set foot into that bar. It was the sort of place that cowboys and lumberjacks went to unwind after a long day of shoeing horses and clearcutting forests. The sort of place where burly...

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