The Labs Chapter 3

"Bravo leader, this is Century one. I have the target in site, proceed with orders?" A black and silver fox sat at the top of a hill, looking over a camp compound his target was slowly driving up to the main entry way to a large concrete bunker. The...

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The Labs chapter 2

It had been several months since Alura had come to live in this place the other children called Haven. It was a large mansion on several hundred acres; the grounds held a vast forest, in which were cabins for the families there; a large lake where...

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The Labs chapter 1

"Run, just run," Alura said to her self as she moved thru the trees. Screams of pain and fear could be heard as she tried to lead the small group away from the now burning building. She didn't have time to look behind her, but could hear the shots...

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