
Stand at attention. Close your eyes. Deep breath in through your nose, deep breath out through your nose. One of Shining Armor's commanding officers used to tell him that all the time. Whether he was addressing a thousand troops, foreign...

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The Next Day

Like the two products she'd been given the two previous nights, the bottle of "Goops for Stuff: Rosemary and Hibiscus Herbal Hoof Scrub" smelled simply delightful. It almost seemed a pity that Rarity had to leave. Working the lotion deep into her...

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Applejack's Work Ethic

You stamp your hoof and clear your throat. Applejack shakes her head. "Wha- I'm terribly sorry, sugarcube, did you say something?" "Just said hi, is all." You flick your tail innocently. 'Hi' was not exactly what you said, but it doesn't really...

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Discord (Strategy End)

The draconequus cried out as he pulled Celestia's head forward, pushing her nose into his belly and his cock down her throat. On his command, the Princess closed her eyes and gulped down his spurting milk. She loved how it warmed her throat and her...

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Twilight (Strategy End)

Pure pleasure ripped through Celestia's body. Twilight's cum flooded her, filling her with wet, sticky warmth as her own juices squirted from her, coating Twilight's balls and splattering against the floor. The Princess threw her head back, releasing...

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The Princess' chamber was dark. Rarely were the curtains in her magnificent hall ever drawn - the pillars and windows were designed to reflect and amplify the natural light that shone in. It was meant to make the vast chambers seem less imposing to the...

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