
The Hills looked nearly black as The two drug out their tools from the back of their car, walking to a near by tree. They laid their white candles in the according place, and looked at each other, with satisfaction. Kaylara Straitened out her long...

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Neko Girl 4 (end)

The massive Black forum moved slowly after the glass shattered covering the floor. Dorivan Growled with Anger at the mass, coming off of Kanitha. She shook with fear and self loathing. She felt so dirty, she just wanted to die. Her water burned eyes...

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Neko Girl 3

Kanitha Froze, that tight lurching in her stomach seeming to rip to the side. The words lingered for a moment. Those words scared her, she'd heard and said those words before, in the term that he meant, with her first. And to her those words meant...

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Neko girl 2

(yeah, it was a part one... sorry, forgot my TBC disclaimer) Zeth tilted his head to the side at Kanitha?s question, He gave a slight shrug and took a drink of the soda as well. ?whatever works for you? He said, walking over to one of deep black...


Neko girl

The halls of the school were barren at the time that Kanitha walked through, her school books clutched up in her arms. She looked down at the titles before reaching her locker, Science, Math, and History, she?s just come from history, so she spun her...

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