Tables Turned: The Story

_This is the story that goes along with the Tables Turned picture, if the picture gets looked at. It's also the first time I've written anything in a while, I hope it's up to par._ As everything started coming into focus, Scotia put hir hand up...

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Deflowered Among the Bleachers

Finally, 3:30 hit and the buzzer went off signalling the end of the school day. Marina heaved a sigh of relief; as she had been feeling strange since awakening that morning. Sure she wasn't coming down with something, that it was only the warm spring...

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Tainted Legacy

Roland looked around at the aftermath; the birth of his children a bloody mess. The nurses lay sprawled on the floor, throats ripped out. The queen lifeless upon the bed, the sheets soaked crimson and her eyes still open. His tears blurring what he saw...

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