Last memories

I didn't see the crocidile until it was far too late. Being a tiger, I had never fealt the need to look out for predators that may be stalking me, and being a voraraphile, I never wanted to. I had only just turned my back on the water for a second when...

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A dead guest

Maya yawned and cuddled Zoe closer. She liked the young lioness much more than she used to, now that she had begged Makura to let Maya swallow her as well as use her as a chew toy. Maya had promised that she wouldn't digest her, and would cough her up...

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(authors note: for some reason, the site keeps deleting the breaks between paragraphs when I upload a story. Apologies if this makes things harder to read) Makura purred happily as his smaller, anthropomorphic lioness lover, Zoe, snuggled up to his...

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