First, Last, And Only Letter
Dear Princess Celestia,You don't know me, because I'm just an insignificant nothing, who never amounted to anything, and never will. I know that all I am is a disappointment to everypony else, including you, and my parents Featherwing, and Cloud...
Six String's Backstory
Six String was born as Nimble Hooves in Cloudsdale, and he was always considered to be a bit different than most colts, preferring to do things that fillies usually did like wear make up, and go shopping for shoes, clothes, and jewelry. It was during...
First, Last, And Only Letter
-Princess Celestia's POV - It was a beautiful day in Canterlot, and the sun was shining. Princess Celestia sat on her throne taking care of day court business, and had just finished dealing with some annoying nobles who wanted even more wealth,...