One Last Goodbye
We were all standing outside his room, in the blazingly pristine white halls that smelled of cleaning agents. I always hated hospitals. The unsettling reek of chemicals that cannot be escaped behind their cold walls. They always caused me headaches....
The First Date
The golden sun had just fallen behind the horizon, but the sky was still lit with brilliantly vibrant lavenders and royal blues. Wispy clouds floated by lazily, tinged violet and crimson and rose, and through their thinness stars glimmered like...
First Meeting, Again
Another day passed by lazily, another long shift at work, and I had all but forgotten the tall wolf and his unwanted comment. Until the next morning when I jogged into the coffee shop as per usual, and saw him sitting at a table in the back. He looked...
Lavender morning light was just breaching the horizon when the bell sounded above the front door of the twenty-four hour coffee shop on the corner of my block, announcing my arrival. This was where I ended my daily run, got my caramel machiato and...