Furry Holmes Chapter 1 ( Part 3 )

Sunshine shone into my room and I awoke at the clanging of metal in the kitchen. I rubbed my bleary eyes and stretched myself. I saw Lestrade bending down, trying to pick the metal cup that fell to the ground. "Did I wake you up?" He asked, raising...


Cross-Love Prologue

Preston's P.O.V Not used to living alone with a girl, despite the fact that she was my girlfriend, it still feels weird. In contrast to my ecstasy of living with her last week, my life is pretty much the same, except for the cuddle sessions. Dating...

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Furry Holmes Chapter 1 ( Part 2 )

I explored the shop a little more, trying to figure out how the burglar got in. No broken glass, no forced locks and no opened windows. The locks are all in place, could it be an inside job? I thought to myself. There are also no pawprints. Perhaps the...

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Furry Holmes Chapter 1

Detective, is what I am. Solving cases then pocketing my fees is how I get enough, no, more than enough for me to sustain myself. Its 11.45pm and I just returned from my 'work', and by that I mean collecting evidences from the crime scenes. I am...


Chapter 1

It was one of those nights again, when I lock myself up in my room, trying to come up with ideas for a play or a script. Only recently, I took to this very bad habit of staying up to odd hours into the night, like until three or four in the morning....

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Today, the sky was of a creamy blue and was punctuated by lone, isolated clouds. The setting of the sun paints my room with the golden rays, coloring my ever-so-mundane desk. There are various things on my study desk -- scattered notes, pens with...

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