Ball Brawl - Round 1

Ball Brawl - Round 1 The brawl pub was packed, it had been a long time since the last season of ball brawl. Six long months had gone by since the last champion of the ring had been crowned. Mack the lion had fought with brutal strength and vicious...

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Ball Brawl Round 3

Ball Brawl Round 3 It was another busy night at the Ball Brawl bar, the sounds of drinks being poured and boisterous conversation filled the room. Several long lines of furs stretched back from the bar, about halfway to the arena itself. Waiter and...

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Ball Brawl - Round 2

Ball Brawl - Round 2 It was another busy night at the Brawl bar, the sounds of voices, drinks being poured and the hustle and bustle of the crowd filled the room. Mack sat in his booth, surrounded by his harem. He leaned back, in against the soft...

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