Life... What is the meaning of it?... Is there really an answer to that question?... If there is... I havent found it yet.. Most think its power, money... But is that it?... People expect us kids to get an amazing career... But is that really...
The path with the wall...
The mental wall... What do i do?... Do i give my loved ones a door?.. Or do i just seal them off along with the rest of the world?... I'm lost... For there is no path for me to follow... Should i make one?... Should i make a path and crush the...
Sanity.... There is not enough for everyone... But i will divide mine so others can keep theirs.... But i have found mine.... In physical forms.... For it is in those.... That i call family... An older brother... And a younger sister... For...
Happiness... Its a hard thing to find in this world of... Negativity... But even simple little laugh... Can brighten up a person's whole day... Happiness... Even it can be found in the most negative situations... You just have to have the...
Friends... Some are true... Some are fake... Those that are fake "show" concern... Those that are true... Its a totally different story... They truly know how to show concern... Fake friends say "im worried about [insert name here]" True...
Paranoia... Mankinds worst nightmare... And downfall... For those with paranoia... They can no longer live normal lives... The fear of being hunted... Lingers The fear of being watched... Lingers For I am one of those people... For I...
Solitude... People wonder why us dragons prefer to be alone... Some prefer to be with their kin.... Others just prefer to be alone... Me?... I prefer to be alone... Ill make an exception for those i care about... Solitude... My only other...
The rain...
The rain... Those times when I actually feel at peace. Those times when I feel the patter of the rain against my scales. Most others prefer to stay inside. I prefer to go out and live in the cold. The rain... The rain is peaceful... The rain...
Corruption... Its all around us Corruption is in everyone. Me... You... Even your friends There are those that refuse to let the corruption overtake them. Then there are those that have already kneeled before it.
Music... The only way to escape the torture that is society. The only way to keep yourself from going insane. The only way to keep yourself from strangling someone out of anger! Music.... Is sanity
Darkness... An old friend. You have come close to making me end my misery. But the light has found me, i have friends, i have family. But even then, you still make an appearence.
Life is but a mystery.
Life is but a mystery. The vision of this generation is clouded by technology. This generation will not realise the purpose until they lay upon thier bed of death. Then and only then, they will realise. "What have i done with my life? Have i...