Bescaled - Chapter 4: ...Fall Out An Open Window.

I feel out of the two story window onto the front lawn. I heard the neighbors yelling something and Mr. and Mrs. Beon came over to see the noise and they found me on the lawn where I fell. I couldn't talk, move, or blink. To them I was dead. I heard...

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Bescaled - Chapter 3: When One Door Closes..

I heard my adopted mother calling, saying that my uncle wanted to invite us over for dinner. Any free meal for her is the best. I put the dead snake in a box I had gotten his blood all over my hand. I washed up and got dressed. I wanted nothing to do...

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Bescaled - Chapter 2: Of Mice and Snake Men

Research upon research, sites and articles, gigabytes of information say the same exact thing. About this war between humans, be-headings of these creatures because of humans fears. I felt the same feeling in my heart, right now. I looked at the...


Bescaled - Chapter 1: Pet Shop Boys

The sun felt great on my skin as I laid in bed. just out of the weirdest dream I ever had. That's when I heard my adopted mother calling me. "Caleil, get your ass down here. I need you to reach something for mama." I hated that woman so much, She will...

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Bescaled: Prologue

Time, what a horrible mistress it can be. Every moment is precious and should never be taken for granted. As I sit here in this cold graveyard writing the final goodbyes to a dear friend, I think of all the times we had together from the bitter-sweet...

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Bescaled - Chapter 5: Regrets and Tensions

As we walked through the large grave yard, I looked down at the ground and thought about all that happened, all that will happen, and the ever so "what if". Redrum could sense something was up but didn't ask me. That's when we walked by them...My...

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