Walking to a new home.(W.I.P)Updated 9-18-12

It was a bright sunny day as the two brothers walked through the lush forest walkways. The bright mid day sun was soaking into the brothers shining coat as it liked through the thick leaves. Today was a special day for them, they had even gotten up...

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Running from what

He runs through the forest as he runs to not feel not feeling even the slight breeze that blew thru the trees. Ever closer does his pace bring him to the light as it breaks, yet everything around him already breaks. He hits a rut with a tip of...

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Raisjinn Pages 1-2 (W.I.P)

It was a snowy night as Raisjinn finally walked out of the bar, stumbling off the patio with a slight buzz into the road try regaining his balance. Looking around as his body recovered from the fall, the town was covered in a blanket of hard snow....

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Unified Beast

The battle field seemed to react to every motion of the two winged figures as their weapons clashed. Even every step they took seemed to cause the land to quiver and repulse their existence. Clouds covered the sky to drench the ground of the summit,...

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Evil is Changed

It had been months of torture and forced consumption of blood before Vas' Luruin had kicked him from a portal into the arena, he plan had been completed and now all she wanted was to watch. The portal quickly closed as she waved good bye to the canine...

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