Trick or Treat

**Trick and Treat** Arif moved into his new home a few months ago. He's still paying the mortgage but he likes the place, the area and the people around him. In fact, his little two bedroom, two bathroom home's been visited by quite a few and...

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Kiriban Story, 100 Views - Felix and the notice board - Filler Short

Meanwhile... 8:01 am At the office.. ~queue 24 time sfx~ The digital notice board attracted quite the congregation of workers. Which probably had a lot more to do with the unexpected fan-fare of depicted red and yellow ribbons and the bannered text...

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2nd Chapter - Rosette Dominance

Northern Africa, a place scorched by the sun and reclaimed by the desert sands. A few sparse trees and brushes dotted the blocks of land that seemed on the brink of being claimed by waves of sand that could go on forever off into the blurry heat filled...

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Fighting the Urge

**Chapter 1 - Warped Justification** Sand for as far as the eyes could see, just large dunes of sand that shift in the winds of the African desert. Like waves their tops turned to wisps as the dry, harsh and hot winds graze their tops, sending...

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Past and Present, Reflections

I had a terrible day's rest. Really, even using the word 'rest' to describe what happened was a bit of a stretch. That human woman was still around, invading my space by lying right next to me and worst yet she had the gall to fall asleep on top of...

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