((( This is my first vore story, featuring a story accurately aged encounter (and a lot of added pornography!) This story is written for those who enjoy identifying fictitiously with being young, small, and more vulnerable to a giant hypnotic...
Bagheera, Boa, Coiljob, Hypnosis, Non-Consensual, Seduction, Snake, Underage, Vore (soft), coiling, jungle book, kaa, mowgli, python, tailjob
The Basin was much like a ravine, but wide as it was long. Multiple creeks and streams spilled down the diameter of the ovular cliff face, leaving a very misty, humid scent on the air and a silvery, smoky atmosphere around the tops of the trees that...
Anal, Bagheera, Bestiality, Bondage, Coiljob, Constrict, Constriction, Encasement, Feral, Forced Sex, Gay, Hypnosis, M/M/M, Non-Consensual, Panther, Rape, Seduction, Shota, Snake, Underage, asphyxiation, coiling, coils, jungle book, kaa, mowgli, python, squeezing, suffocation, tailjob