Soul of Fire - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Silvia clung to the side of the gurney as the paramedics wheeled her mother from room to room until finally the tide of motion washed them into a side room. There the doctors and nurses swarmed the bed taking her temperature, helping her...
Soul of Fire - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Silvia buried her face against the ragged stuffed toy. It might have been a rabbit in an earlier life or perhaps a bear. Its color was just as hard to determine. She lay upon the pale threadbare sheets and pulled the remnants of the...
Soul of Fire - Prologue
Myrkalis sat in the wingback leather chair on the south side of the library. The sun had moved across the room during the day, casting the shadow of the chair first in the morning to the left hand side near the double doors, then nearing the evening...
The Story of I-Am, the creation story of the Thirteen Children of Power
((Translators Note: This was translated from a badly damaged, hand written manuscript found bound inside of another book. I have been unable to find ANY other reference to I-Am, and believe that I-Am is a name given to The Power. Some of the other...