"Premonition" - The Day Of
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He leans back in the office chair, tilting it off its feet, idly peering toward the entrance across the room. Warm, cheap incandescence and the steady humming of a CRT greet the night air coming through the sliding...
Blood, Caprine, Feline, Female, Male, Snow Leopard, Thriller
# Untitled Beastars Script
A ferocious romance set in the Beastars universe, tying themes of personal development with violence and consumption.
Younger male perspective, of age, as puny and useless as you like, or not, up to you. Big cat lady, in...
Blood, Blush, Caprine, Character Development, Consensual, Cuddle, Fanfiction, Fear, Feline, Horns, Interspecies, Licking, Male/Female, Passion, Suspense, Teeth, Violence