poems week 3
some days I am the white happy half... some days I am the dark deep half... But to be one without out the other, would to not be whole. The masks provide for the wearer, both safe, both strong. To be one without the other is to not be human. Yin and...
poems 2
IF.... if life is short and fleeting, love is immortal. if death is quick and swift, love is the time before. if your hate is forever, your love is forgiving. if your love is forever, you have lived. if your hatred is bitter, kindness is...
poem 1
Love is you and Love is me Love is a prison and Love is free Love's what's there when you're away from me. I see the world more vividly because I am harvesting the days for you. Oddities, marvels- something beautiful, something strange. I...