Visions within the Sergal: Chapter 3: Visions and Confusions

So after Ohjaa got revenge on his past teachers and other staff from the school he used to go too when he was young as a human, he was shown what is available for him to eat by the other Sergal that greeted him when he got back. "What we usually eat...

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Visions within the Sergal - Chapter 2: Revenge

So Ohjaa woke up the next morning after that intense night. As he awoke, he saw many of (what is now) his own kind, walking around and doing many things. Right when he awoke, he felt much stronger and very powerful. So he decided to drag his claws on a...

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Visions within the Sergal - Chapter 1

As usual, Ohjaa would get home from wherever, do work if he had it (which he hated, and didn't do it most of the time), or play a videogame. But soon he is going to find out his life will change completely. He always hated the human life, needing to...

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