frate halling in space 5

after a good possibly well-deserved rest Jack started to stir and slowly come to consciousness. He wiggled his rear realizing he wasn't still connected to the hot seat and kind of shrugged a bit stretching in the bed some.he started to smile though...


frate halling in space 4

Jack got more visually excited grinding his hand up and down the Huskies quickly thickening member. Likewise he pushed his finger deep in Thomas is tight rear entry my link licking one of the canine sniffles and growling. mmmm puppy . A lot of talk...

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long hall. 2 furrs`s hook up at a gay bar on a space station part 3

**As the horse and the husky got closer to the club he could hear some catchy music. He started to notice the place had a rather nice appearance. There was the typical bounce her out front rather tall intimidating looking but pretty easy on the eyes...

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long hall. 2 furrs`s hook up at a gay bar on a space station

the stallion at first started to protest. hay i definitely like where this is going and i am all for what you're thinking but i don't particularly like the chosen location. he was frequently cut off by no more than his parents were out of her...

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long hall. 2 furrs`s hook up at a gay bar on a space stationHope

the late 20 something 6 foot stallion was not the biggest horse but he was still big and intimidating to most other species aside from his own.this had bin a 2 week hall too deliver a our freighter from one station to another.a pretty nasty trap but...

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The nightmare in the green.

The nightmare in the green. The young man's car had broken down about a mile back on the back road which it didn't help the gotten lost in the first place when his GPS stop working. As he proceeded he passed a another broken down vehicle but found...

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