WC day 4 character bios

Original upload date: January 14th, 2016 Edit: this in particular is one of the uploads im very displeased with. Very.. Cheap feeling. Edit2: the idea here is that these two characters are part of a seperate dating sim project im picking up off and...


WC day 3: snow

Original upload date: January 14th, 2016 a while back, i set myself up on a writing challenge. go a month, writing a new story every day, (500 words on days i worked, 1000 words son days i was off) with a theme given to me by my friend ?...

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WC1 day 1 "red"

Originally uploaded January 14th 2016: A long while back, i set myself up on a writing challenge. go a month, writing a new story every day, (500 words on days i worked, 1000 words son days i was off) with a theme given to me by my friend ?...

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