All that trust. That I've given you. You'd think you would, treasure. Keep it safe. Protect it with your life. I thought different. You had a plan. To use what I've given. Use me with the palm of your hand. Own me. Take me down, whenever....
All these problems.
All these problems. They were once all so small. But theyve grown. To a size so large. I can't handle myself. I need a leash. My heads dizzy, everything spinning. I'm getting desperate. Won't someone help me, out of control. All these...
Because I can't.
Because I can't. Talk to you face to face. I can barely talk to you here. I know what I did. I know what I will do. But please, don't forget. I can break. If i'm not broken yet. I'll just pick myself, up picking up the lost peices. You've...
Oh this feeling.
Oh this feeling. How I missed. How it lights up everything. Such bliss. I love this feeling. Oh this feeling. How I missed, you. Giving my life a meaning again, I thank you. All the love I shall give you, you deserve it. Oh this feeling. How...
Sorry. Did I do something? Something to make you hate me? Something that I did? Is it something you did? Sorry. You did nothing, nothing at all In my eyes [your]( "Powered by Text-Enhance") perfect...