Amongst the city - chapter 2

2 "You ready?" Pup asked coming out from his room to stand behind me as I looked over the cityscape. I looked back him and eyed his attire for the night. He had his shoulder length curly hair tied back with a leather strap, a black muscle tee covered...

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Just for you

Just a short story I did for a special some one I stood in the kitchen pouring myself another cup of coffee. I had been awake early this morning and hadn't quite been able to get back to sleep. I smiled as I heard the air around me shift....


Amongst the city - chapter 1

I walked by Pup's room on another round of pacing around the den as we called it. I was itching to get out of there and gain some relief for myself however leaving him alone while vulnerable was out of the question, even if this place was lined better...

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Amongst the city - chapter 3

3 I shook my head, captivated by the female, "That's not possible..." I slid on my jack and turned to her. There was definite recognition written in her eyes and if it hadn't been for that I might have just removed her memories and moved on to the...

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