Luca's First Day

"I'll be back in a few days to pick you up, okay sweetie?" Luca Shoal gazed around the new and unfamiliar sight of the reception lobby they stood in. Her young mind processed the pretty red colors of the carpet and sofas and the calming blue tones...

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Star Regresses

The cold morning chill penetrated Star's multiple layers of clothing as she pedaled her way down the empty streets. The sound of the occasional car grumbling as it makes its way to an early morning shift was the only sound that broke the rhythmic...

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Star Regresses: Prologue

"Star, you're off work early today!" Lucy called as the frazzled lynx practically tumbled into her tea shop. Lucy was the gazelle owner of Star's favourite tea shop, Tea Time. She came in multiple times a week to get her fix of warm, overpriced...

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