The Short Fire

I set myself on fire for a warmth unfelt. Left to burn, never attended to. Smoldering in a world unseen, blind eyes hover aimlessly. A diminishing light never once known; violently extinguished in many swift, routine acts. The short fire was pain,...

Feral Dialysis - II - Summit of Confusion

**C** hapter **T** wo **S** ummit of **C** onfusion Ethan's perception was hazy and his head felt woozy at the sudden jolt out of the car. Blood flowed and he was light headed. It seemed that he suffered more damage than he first initially thought....

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Feral Dialysis - I - Ascend into Pyschosis

**C** hapter **O** ne **A** scend into **P** sychosis _The wolf's vision and what he lived for lied in his pristine environment and the echo of his calling. The lone answer that he got was from no other than the very embodiment of all his passion,...

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Feral Dialysis - Prolouge

**P** rologue **W** ritten **B** y **S** noww The year was lost. Calenders existed no more and the busy world of yesteryear became extinct. Everything that was once known came to a halt, and it was because of their own doing. Having it last as long...


Feral Dialysis - III - Death Wish (Preview)

**C** hapter **T**** hree **** D **eath** W**ish "Should I... just leave?" he said in a disappointed shaky voice as he turned himself to the door-way; slowly, hesitating for any sort of response out of the grumpy feline. If Cindy was any indication,...

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The Winter After (Part One)

_"Two different pasts, two different lives, two different struggles, the missing piece... was ourselves"_ I watched him. He was lying in the snow, almost invisible as his fur was sleek and clean; well groomed and radiated beauty. His thick layers of...

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