A.. B.. C.. DP?

It was supposed to have been a night out like any other... I would go out, have some beverages, socialize, have thought-provoking conversations, maybe dance a little before closing out my tab, heading home, getting some grub, and passing out in front...

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Encounter #1: The Gym in the Office

I cruised down the street in my convertible. It was sunny and warm, but not too warm, a nice 75F with absolutely no humidity. The breeze from the moving car cut by like cool water - thin and shapeless and it made my scarlet and black fur ripple and...

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Colt's Trophy Fox

Moving. It can be such a trial, you know? Not only do I have to box a bunch of my shit up so I can haul it to another place, but I also have to get used to that place. Different rooms, different kitchen, different bathroom, and if I move to...

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