Pâtisserie: Chapter 3 - Home

**As promised, here is chapter 3 of Pâtisserie! Not much happens in this chapter, but it does help better flesh out Gideon's character. Chapter 4 will be posted next Thursday as per the schedule. Till then my lovelies, follow, favorite, and comment to...

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P但tisserie: Chapter 2 - Him

AHAHAHA!!! Surprise! I wasn't planning on posting chapter 2 so soon, but I thought that since chapter 1 consisted of a whole lot of nothing I should add some meat to the story. Don't get used to this however. From now on imma stick to my strict...

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Pâtisserie: Chapter 1 - Shrink

**Heyoooooo everybody! This is my first official Zootopia fanfiction, which is honestly a long time coming. I've been obsessed with this movie since it came out, spending countless hours and $$$ on it. I also have a particular infatuation with the...

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