Suncrest - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - The Dragon Thief It was rare Tea's jobs brought them away from the capital. The pixie lay sprawled across the train cushions, shoveling down cookies. They still had yet to change out of their new taller form, but Tea at least had the...

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Suncrest - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Who am I? A clear bottle dropped on the table. "Feast your eyes, Gi," Tea declared. "This is gonna make us invincible." The pixie hovered in front of the table, smiling from ear to ear as if expecting him to burst into applause at any...

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Suncrest - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - A Pixie's Offer The familiar sensation washed over Giu before he drove a fist into the face of an avian. It wasn't strong enough to kill, but the way the crow's head turned at the impact made him concerned for a few seconds. He was still...

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Suncrest - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Tag, You're It "Amnesia?" Tea asked. Giu nodded, shoveling a piece of his contraband down his gullet. Why did crime have to taste so good? Maybe it would have been better to throw it out the window. They were thousands of feet in the air,...

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Suncrest - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Redge, Pixie Extrodinaire Giu let the magic wash over him, doubling back and raising both fists as his eyes darted around the room. What are the odds? Why the heck do I do things? He wired for rampaging walls of ice or flying claws or...

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Suncrest - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - The Hall of the Chieftans The markets were quickly becoming Giu's favorite location to peruse in the entire Syndicate. After spending so much time around food and hostile rabbits, he enjoyed the over-enthusiasm of the many snake oil...

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Suncrest - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Break Time, Gi A whirlwind of vegetables and spices flew around the kitchen, both Elly and Tea going to bat on their work. Giu twinged, the smells drifting through his nostrils making the strange woman appear in his mind again. He tried...

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Suncrest - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 - Immy Like most of the land near Haywar, the Buntail Woodlands consisted of a series of rivers, wetlands, and marshy swamps covered in plant life. The leafless oaks were just as hardy as he remembered, Giu rubbing the base of one...

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Suncrest - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - The Final Deru Dish pieces clattered together as they fell into the trash can, Giu and Tea frantically sweeping over the apartment. Elly had traded out her apron for yellow gloves as she went to work making repairs. Fledge popped in...

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Suncrest - Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - You and Me The light pillar flickered and died, but Giu still poked at the fallen Olive to be on the safe side. She twitched, her face buried in asphalt. Wonder if I should tie her and the sister up or- No, there's no time. Gotta...

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Suncrest - Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Remember "Durviuke!" One of the reptilian girls slammed a hand into the ground, pillars of light extending through the air. "Sikavan!" The other clapped her hands together, glittering orbs appearing around her like millions of tiny...

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Suncrest - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - The Rabbit Quest Giu stared down at the squishy creature hissing in his direction. It had no mouth and was made entirely of some soft green material that jiggled on contact. And yet the thing still made a point to growl at the singular...

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