Gnoll Brigand: Prologue VII

**Prologue VII: Departure** The first night of your return remains a blur in your memory. The taste of liquor and many flavours of wine linger upon your lips and tongue, and you remember lots of cackling and gnoll-piling before the main course was...

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue VI

**Prologue VI: Intermission** You lie in the grass, fatigued and bloody from the last two encounters, and perhaps a little bit thirsty and woozy from bloodloss. The sounds of Taaru skewering the fallen watchmen have a nice rhythm to them, slowing...

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue V

**Prologue V: In Which We Discuss Breasts** Two berries go straight in your mouth, their juicy yet disgustingly sweet taste enough to give you pause: you're tired, not quite recovered from lightning coursing through your veins, and cut up in a few...

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue IV

**Prologue 4: Bloodbath** _Eighteen of them._ You have eighteen people to slay, when just one of them had proven competent enough to decimate you and the majority of your raiding party. Their numbers were tedious enough with the realization...

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue III

**Prologue III: An Introduction to Infiltration** Between your fallen comrades, your delirious state of mind, and the oblivious nature of the wolf-man standing in front of you, you realize that you won't be finding the answers your seek soon, or at...

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue II

**Prologue II: Grephr Cleaves Some Skulls** You are Grephr Skullcleaver, favored son of Clan Chief Thrrae Skullcleaver, and also her only remaining son. You've heard stories of how she held her place as the chieftain through each of her pregnancies,...

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

**Prologue I: Background** You are a gnoll (that's fantasy-speak for "hyena monster"). You like to roll around in the grass, explore caves, wrestle, be lazy, and wander through the wilderness. People do not like gnolls. This is especially true of...

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