Dan rose out of his sofa. The TV was blasting with words, as a news report was on.
"There is a current pandemic going on right now. It is a contagious pathogen known as UGV that latches onto the entire body. The symptoms consist of a...
Brief critter, Briefcritter, Briefer, Briefercritter, Bulge, Featureless, Femboy, Nulge, Null Bulge, Nullge, Transformation, Under critter, Undercritter, Underwear, Underwear critter, Underwear suit, Underwearcritter, Underwearsuit, brief, briefs, critter, null
You open the front door to your house as the sun sets and the sky turns orange. You've just finished one heck of a job and are glad that torture is done for the week. No longer will you have to deal with sorting papers, or papercuts, or any of...
Brief critter, Briefcritter, Briefer, Briefercritter, Bulge, Irremovable, Nulge, Null Bulge, Nullge, Owohub, Transformation, Under critter, Undercritter, Underwear, Underwear critter, Underwear suit, Underwearcritter, Underwearsuit, brief, briefs, critter, living suit, null