The Warshade Awakes (Based on the MMORPG City of Heroes)

The warshade awakes by thwale/krll/anachron © 2006-2011 **the warshade awakes by thwale/krll/anachron © 2006-2011** _( cause' i have nothing else ready to be posted, yet )_ **_hero name: krll (warshade lvl 50+3) champion server (7 years) aka thwale (me

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Old Enemies

"_ we headed there side by side, she was a handsome warshade and why not mate. its not like we kheldians are solids, our morals are beyond the understandings of solids. even you reading this must realize that.

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A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

It turned away and a voice seemed to come out of the air _"you are krll the warshade yes?"_ "yes" like i had a choice but to answer, all my thoughts of revenge gone and replaced with curiosity, not fear. _"you came here to eliminate me did you not?"

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