Sunny's Battle Class: Gone Wrong
Sunny stood a bit anxiously with Tsunami at the head of the Battle Training Cave, awaiting the arrival of the first Winglet of the day. When Jade Winglet stepped into the room, Tsunami turned to address the class. "Welcome once again to Battle...
Fox Curse
He said, then he winced, "actually, yes biggy, you are really talented at inflicting pain, ouch. but i forgive you." mira looked at him, "really?" "yeah, sure," he replied, "it happens."
Fox Curse 2
As the Spring finally came, Mira continued to meet more foxes. While many of them were girls, many of them were also boys, and due to her curse, there was nothing to stop her from hurting them where it hurt the most (poor males). And despite how...
The Purpose of PPE (Thursday Prompt 9-2-10)
The Purpose of PPE Thursday Prompt 9/2/10 Reian The gym was damp and hot, the smell of sweat mixed with smoke would hurt any fur's nose. The gym was decorated with a mixture of sports figures and firefighting gear and murals. Men were spread...
Giraffe Grazing Hazards
As Jeffery grazed from the lower branches of the tree, he couldn't help but feel relief at his ability to finally reach them for himself. Though he hadn't reached the same size as the other giraffes, at least he could feed himself and not have to rely...
The Wings of Fire Pee On An Electric Fence Challenge
Cricket couldn't believe it, the first electric fence in all of Pyrrhia and Pantala had been invented using a new form of lightningsilk, very similar to flamesilk, but very different in its make up, and her and the rest of the heroes of Pantala, the...
A Spike for an Elephant
Eathy had always been afraid of pain, he was so afraid of it, he was seldom went anywhere without watching every step he took, always being sure he put it down carefully, because even a tiny twig poking him wrong in the feet would be too much for him....
Kween Karen Lays an Egg (Ouch!)
### Chapter 1 Kween Karen (Sorry, Queen Coral), was about to lay an egg, and it was the best moment in her life. Queen Coral of the SeaWings and King Gill were going to have their first baby, and perhaps their first heir together as royal leaders of...
Bristlefrost Knocks Rootspring Off His Paws
#1 of ouch! not there! (warriors edition) bristlefrost and rootspring stood in the forest practicing moves together. rootspring had just given a surprise attack by leaping from a tree, and he had caught bristlefrost off guard.
The Snork Maiden Kicks Moomin
The Snork Maidan was in the woods tossing a large fruit back and forth with the Silk-Monkey. "You like Moomintroll why?" Asked the silk-monkey. "Well," answered the Snork Maiden indignantly, "because he's so strong and manly, and he's very very...
You May Now Kick the Groom
Dear Daniel stood beside the podium of the church all proud and excited, waiting for his bride to arrive. The organs started blaring, and there she was, stepping through the doors of the auditorium, all dressed in white, her glittering dress flowing...
Jayfeather Sits on a Bee
#2 of ouch! not there! (warriors edition) jayfeather entered the medicine den, all was quiet and from the sent of the air, no other medicine cats were here, just briarlight in her nest. "hi jayfeather, how are you doing?"