La Curandera III - My Old Self
**La Curandera** **Volume III - My Old Self** by Dissident Love copyright 2015 **_Kenyon's Diary_** **_ _** _Day 1. Wait, I guess I should put the real date here, shouldn't I? I think it's Tuesday. I don't really look at the...
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"i heard the door close and thought that smite and ash wanted to do some working out, i didn't realize that he had guests." "it's my apologies toby," smite said.
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"you know," smite said as they laid there, tails wrapped around one another.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Prologue
"you think i'm the smiting juryokine?" for a long moment, the intruder didn't move or say anything. then he rounded the table to where casto stood.
Coming Up Next!
"smite!" toke cursed, and anchored himself to the wall right behind where finch was standing.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Twenty Five
There's no way she'd just forget when the smiting ship is going to leave."
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Once the three were gone smite sat down in the desk opposite of ash. "are you sure about this?" smite asked. "when we started this program we didn't even think that anyone was going to be right, and now we have two of them?
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Twenty Seven
"smite!" he yelled. "worthless smiting son of a--" "are you okay?" with a jolt, toke looked up and saw inaska standing in front of him. her eyes shimmered with worry behind her mask.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Eight
smite it, what was he supposed to say? "it's good to see you guys." "it's good to see you too, toke," wayli said, taking a tentative step toward him.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Nine
"smite," inaska muttered when the crowd began to get too thick for them to push through. she glanced at toke. "that's how you use that word, right?" toke chuckled and nodded. "then, smite! we'll never get on board like this."
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty One
"he hasn't done a smiting thing wrong." "toke," evanya's gentle voice spoke out before zashiel could fling any more insults, "tell us what happened." toke sighed and leaned his head against the wall.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Five
He was going to die on this smiting island, but he still had enough pride not to drown in three inches of water.