your pov)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm as I felt around trying to shut it off and felt an empty spot in my bed ,my eyes fully open as I looked around the room to see that I was alone, last night memories came back to me in a Flash as i...
Anime, Fanfiction, Short Story
After the deep make out with Black Quill he let me go and left me in the room as I was trying to calm myself after that I went back to the courtroom and the battle began once again
"Alright courtroom now in session"
"Miss faiya are you...
Anime, Fanfiction, Short Story
I woke up one early morning thinking its going to be a good day but no I end up back In the court room. Hello there my name is tsume and I am an attorney, I've Ben one since I finished college and I'm super good at it . now I know what your thinking...
Anime, Fanfiction, Short Story
Red lands hard on the ground '' ouch''\* his legs start giving him the feeling of ice-cold needles stabbing into his legs \*
red '' as much as I love our hellfire attack I fucking hate the side effect of my landing everytime
"oh i forgot about that...
Animated, Fanfiction, OC, RWBY
After 3 cases I started to head to my car until I saw Godot leaning on it
"is there something wrong Mr. Godot?"
"I just wanted to see if you're alright"
"I know we just met and all but I couldn't help over hearing the fight...
Anime, OC, Video Games
Into feral wild animals for weeks causing them to wreak havoc across the town.
Anime, Feral, Human, fury
Likes: animals, sweets, curry, ramen, books, anime, naruto, cooking, drawing, listing to music, singing, manga, red, black, purple, dark green, writing fanfiction, reading fanfiction, math, science, japanese culture, pe, and apples.
Anime, OC, akatsuki, naruto
It all started one early morning,
"Zoom, zoom, zip" "Hurry up we're going to be late!"
"Hi my name is Tsume Sakamea, also known as the leader of the 12 Dancing Princesses also known as Odoruojo 12, I know, I know, I look young for my age, but I am...
Air Gear, Animation, Fanfiction
_ **Chapter One** _: Nubius Prologue: Trials of a Demon
It was evening in the twilight hours of an army base by the sea, while at that time on the docks, two guards where walking a soldier, who was their prisoner, to a huge air ship...
Anime, Anthro, Story Series
One family, two adult foxes and their cub, lived happily in the forest with all of the other animals, badgers, beavers, deer, birds and so on.
Chicken, Fox, animal, writing
15 minutes later after rey explained the how to work their weapons tsume wasn't happy with the boombox being her weapon
"rey this weapon..."
"I know what your going to say but it's all I got in such notices"
"Are you sure you couldn't just bring...
Animated, Fanfiction, OC, RWBY