Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 22

A/N: The next few chapters will be rather short because I don't wish to drag out the events in each chapter more than necessary. Chapter 22: Cooldown "... and that's pretty much everything," Love Heart sighed and sat back against the couch in...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Rain The Prank just stood staring at the now nine-tailed, white-furred Anger Heart, whose eyes seemed to blaze with anger one could only conceive of in their deepest pits of imagination. The Prank merely put on it's demented smile again...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 33

Chapter 33: A Guiding Hand Guidance Heart Raccoon couldn't sleep. This was becoming a recurring problem, insomnia. She didn't toss and turn much in her sleep so she just waited until she heard Anger Heart drift off then got up to go warm up some...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Baby Boom, Gentle Heart and Bright Heart Gentle Heart's delivery was rough. Her labour lasted forty hours and during the whole process Take Care couldn't stop worrying or even take a break to sleep, especially since the Gentle Heart...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Baby Boom, Harmony and Loyal Heart "And her we go, it's a girl, and a husky." Get Well turned around from where she had just cleaned off Loyal Heart and Harmony's daughter, a purple and white husky puppy. Harmony Bear smiled, she...

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Travelling Child Whisperer Hidden Heart was checking over the supplies in the backpacks they were taking to Porterhouse. "Alright, food, water, tents and bedrolls." She looked up at Crafty and Flamboyant, the latter of whom was in...

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Lost and Found Sage Heart sat on the front steps to the wooden cabin he had built over the last eight years and watched as Love Heart and Independent Bear sparred with their swords. Love Heart wielding a pair of straight swords with...

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Feelings of Expectation Funshine Bear sat bat on her couch. Four months pregnant and her belly had finally started to show, protruding forwards slightly. Funshine had initially taken the news rather well, if a bit annoyed that she...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Creators Cassandra didn't want to be in sick bay. She stood rigidly and stared through her mask's one way lenses as Take Care made the final adjustments to the nanite healing chamber. It looked like a large sunken in oblong bed with a...

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Slates Wiped Clean Dark Heart was gone. One year had passed since the Care Bear Family first came to the Kingdom of Caring and in the very same summer camp where they had met John and Dawn, Dark Heart returned. While the Care Bears...

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Sealed in Soul Heart reappeared in front of her house with Valiant Heart still on the ground. She stared down at him with a mixture of contempt and amusement, "You at least proved this was a useful effort." "What did you do to him!"...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars C2

Chapter 2 Get Well was exhausted. She'd never had to test every single member of the Care Bear family in one day, even if it was just a blood test. Unfortunately, it confirmed her fear and she called Love Heart into the hospital's...

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