I arched my back at the feel of Axels lips on my back. AxelIts 2 A.M. what do you want? I think you know what I want.. He said nipping at my neck. Moaning, I turned around to face him. Is that so? I ask licking my lips and giving him a wicked smile. He...
I think the others are blocked, but i know that those horse people looked bad."
"finally, a straight answer. now, what can you remember then?" she'd said forcing the words out of her throat.
"i'm sorry..."
**_Love and sex_**
**_By CSTSL_**
**_Chapter one_**
Draft copy
Returning from that long walk had left the cat woman feeling tyred and she longed for bed, but just then she heard a noise. "Ah, it's nothing." She told herself making her way home,...
Sitting down in two of the cast iron chairs, the only things up there besides a pair of small tables, they leaned towards each other, waiting for the day to begin.
Since it's so young it can't attend yet, but myself and the other five leaders hold elder councils occasionally, for clan and country related issues. we console with the president on major issues, having some sway over him.
I'll tell you more about the rings, and answer any other questions you may have over lunch. with that he motioned malachai out of bed, helping him to his feet.
But we'd need loincloths at the very least to get into other towns and villages. but we should pack and plan for a few days first...and fuck of course!"
About time you got to your 'other' duties don't you think?" chuckles a little as he pulled out his cock and rububbed on it.
After several minutes of this, she slowly takes me back out of her lips and places another hand around her other; this almost gives me the
feeling that i'm being cradled in her soft, warm hands.
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Bodies sank into the mud, trampled by the battle that raged on, heedless of their deaths. In its heart had formed an oasis, like the shifting eye of a storm. The rest of the battle flowed around it, even the most hardened and...
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