Tropical - Chapter Nine

A bird tweeting outside the open window caused Rye to wake. With the haze of the dreams still covering Rye, he felt despair, thinking that last night was all a dream. It only took him a couple seconds to realize that his face was buried in white fur...

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Sixteen

**Chapter Sixteen - Thawing Blood** Mountains were all that towered in front of me the day before. Yesterday was a nice day, even with the threat of winds and a few clouds. What a nice day brought over the night would be far less pleasant. It was...

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Autumn Woods - Finale

Darkness consumed Rye's mind and filled it with a dull but consistent and aching pain. He did not know if he was conscious or even alive. Any memories or thoughts that tried to surface in his mind were pushed out by the pain, leaving only it's ache and...

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Legacy Final Epilogue

Canidera had healed tremendously well. The effects of the war still lingered but the damage was nearly completely reversed. Across the planet, those areas that were turned into a frozen wasteland due to the extreme measures that the inhabitants took,...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part One

In his office on _Drach'n Fury,_ Yukiomaru sat behind his desk reviewing the technicalities of shuttling everyone off the ship for a couple weeks. Nearly the whole crew was gone, except for a few of the top officers including himself, and the ship was...

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Tropical - Chapter Fifteen

Late that next morning, they both woke up around the same time. The day started off far more silent than normal. They both knew this would be their last full day together for a very long time. Rye went through the pictures and picked out his favorites...

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Spiral Nebula - Epilogue

All around her lay the infected dead, illuminated brightly by the ship's light. Her heart beat rapidly while she watched the last infected solider fall to the ground not half a meter from her. She even recognized some of the soldiers as the crew from...

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Six

"This is Diamond's Heart?" Rye asked confused. "Yes," Cloud answered. The car idled, waiting in a line for the valet parking. "Same principles and food, but it's all local so it's fresher and a tad bit more expensive." The building was lit with...

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Tropical - Chapter Six

Rye and Cloud got out of the car at the same time. "Looks like the whole school is going to be here," Cloud observed nodding toward the parking lot entrance where of the students' cars piled through. "We're lucky to have the pool so big then," Rye...

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Tropical - Chapter Two

One hour later, Rye left his school papers scattered on his table as he went back into his bedroom to change into his swimming shorts. Quickly, Rye strips and pulls on his shorts, puts a towel around his shoulders and slips on sandals. Carrying the...

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Tropical - Chapter One

"Senior year," sighed an anthropomorphic bat walking down a high school hallway. "This is going to be a long year." Walking beside the bat, a light blue otter named Rye nodded in agreement, but otherwise didn't respond. "One last year and then it's...

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Autumn Woods - Chapter Seven

"Did you want to go back to the lake, or home?" Cloud asked as they wait for the valet attendant to bring their car to them. "We could go back to the lake," Rye answered. "I want to see this island you were talking about." "Or you want to see me...

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