Well ass you know, the 6 season war had ended recently and people needed something to get there minds out of that funk. I had been looking forward to this for a while now. I wanted people to get started slowly to make seem less like I was just...
Coliseum, Ram, powers, secret
Chapter 1
The assembly
It all started long ago when the EON technology was first introduced to the world. Now, many millennia later, the world is divided by way of force fields. Each continent has its own force field to "keep the...
EON, History, Ram, Zarut
You've been playing this game that went from shit as hell graphics to a full VR immersion. But that was a test that thousands past. The real deal is in the Coliseum. You get there and it's only a large building, but on the inside it's.... just as...
Coliseum, GEM, Ram, War
What a waste of time. Half of the population of the world went nuts for this piece of crap game when it comes out. All they know is that RAM promises a big reward for playing it. People play for years just to get to his Coliseum. And after that they...
.WAR, Coliseum, EONicAP's, Ram
It's called "Gem battle" and it's all you hope it would be. You don't get all the powers that you saw in the war, but that comes later. In the online game you get only parts of Mega gems each. So you want to go all out and get home game. You get to use...
Coliseun, Gem battle, Ram, Video Games
From what we have heard from local and federal governments we can only say "No comment" But after a great deal of digging, this is the truth. Now the government won't tell you this, but even in the 1980's special labs funded by the government have...
6 season war, Blink, Ram
RAM not only made that war, but later he tricked you again with that murderer, the Collector. All he did was blow away fake bodies that looked like people. And then RAM makes you think that he killed that SOB. He didn't kill the Collector. He just...
HT Dewitt, Howard Tech Dewitt, Murderer
What am I doing behind this microphone? Man I thought you'd have something better for me to... You shit! Tell me you're recording next time. Cut this part out man. Okay, yah, where do I start? How about the time when he locked me up in that virtual...
HT Dewitt, Howard Tech Dewitt, Ram
After the 6 season war RAM not only rebuilt the provinces affected, but he took to space to make a massive station that would not only circle the Earth, but surround it. He told the public that it was all to help protect us encase the...
6 season war, Ram
First of all and for the last time, the governments of Earth had nothing to do with this Blink event. We have been just as much in the dark as you are. To be sure, Martin and RAM are behind it and we are actually telling the truth about...
Blink, FOFT, Ram
Government view
The former government has this t say about the 6 season war, it was our fault. We made a statement about the Blink event and ended with this "...crime of all kinds had...
6 season war, History
the 6 season war
basic info
It was after the blink and before the making of the grid. A group of techonological beings stole Marten's powers and made havic. He chose to follow them into space after they teletported out. 6 seasons later the war...
6 seeason war, earth