049 - The Fool pt.09
#49 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story chloe's laptop stands bellow the small lcd telle attached to the wall, that it's connected too.
048 - The Fool pt.08
#48 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story the way the smoke from the exhale reaches it's tendrils in every direction, before reaching the open window has always felt calming.
039 - Proxime Pt.07
#39 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story they left the huntsman mouthing something to himself, as he sat slouched against the wall staring into the nothing that he now resides.
036 - Proxime Pt.04
#36 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story butters and tyard start to head down trinity square as they make their way to outside the royal concert hall.
034 - Proxime Pt.02
#34 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story _ **cw: body horror, state violence allegory, fascist rhetoric depiction** _ -don't move! a voice bellows from behind.
012 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.04
#12 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story dying on a molecular level kind of sort of, then being alright again kind of sort of, in a manner of a seconds is a harrowing ordeal to put it mildly.
006 - The World pt.05
#6 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story -valentines day 2017- -16:36- there's a rattling on the other side of chloe's door, it slowly opens as the visitor lets themselves in. -oh is that you satan?
[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 01
#1 of beastiary beas - [the world] of monsters a year on from valentines story, we find butters in their local, after breaking a year-long streak of not dating any humans. also prometheus is there.
035 - Proxime Pt.03
#35 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story to follow the dream back to the dreamer is a trifling task for the baku, the tapir yokai with the ability to traverse the dreamscape.
013 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.05
#13 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story -so you're on the pull essentially? asks ideas -not just the pull, fer ta 'sapians specifically? gor' probes.
010 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.02
#10 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story -valentines day 2017- -19:38- an hour later and there's definitely no one they know. butters had taken quite an ego beating throughout the night throughout failed convo starters and introductions.
005 - The World pt.04
#5 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story -valentines day 2017- -16:16- that's where we find butters now, back in present time on their stroll back home. they couldn't wait! who would they meet? what cuties would they smooch!?