new guardians part one

LOSC: The New Guardians Part 1 Four years have passed since the defeat of Malefor's defeat at the core of the world and the dissapreance of Spyro and Cynder, now at the remains of Cynder's old castle Demetrius is planning his next move. ...


Tribal Legends - The Mute Wolf

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The Mute Wolf ============= The Story of Word and Silence. A tribal legend by Aris,...

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Legend of the Unkown (part 3)

#2 of legend of the unkown part 3 of however many there will be of the legend of the unkown...

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A Legend is Born

this is the first manuscript of many i hope to make for my comic please enjoy this story if i continue will have chapters that are both general and adult so i hope you continue to read on **Princess Vulpix** Chapter 1: A Legend is Born In a valley...

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Star Memory

_Long ago, in a far distant land, there was a town that had just been created. It had one goal, and that goal was quite simple: To separate light from darkness in an...

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of stone, water and air

in the early days of the earth, ocean sky and land were at peace, all with their own living creations. but nothing lasts forever, and ocean grew envious of land. ocean schemed and searched for a way to take over land's place on the earth for many...

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Legends of Mundus Ch3-5

Ch.3: The Rebirth of life and the Titans. The Oceans mixed with the blood of Solano gave new life to new creatures like the Unikrons, Lycos, and the Lotori, creatures who inherited Solano's strength, wisdom, and emotion. And the Nuloks with the...

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Tribal Legends - The Water Wolves

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The Water Wolves ================ The Story of Water. A tribal legend by Aris,...

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Chapter 18

LOSC:The New Guardians Part 18 The following days er the attack on the great dragon city of warfang, the city rebuilds and buries the ones lost defending her. Ignitus lead the prayers for the lost, while Terridor hunted the remnants of...

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Cocoa

A trail of watermelon seeds stretch across the savannah as Cocoa rolls along in his rind, leaving behind vines and patches, awaiting the sight of his six brethren. "Flavors of the Seed," he calls them, each one, through the underground meerkat network,...

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1. The journey continues

**The journey continues** It had been a sunny and warm day just like most days lately, maybe just a bit warmer. Below the clouds, water gently flowed through a stream carrying sand and leaves alongside a single fish swimming through. BAM The gentle...

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Spyro Fanfic Intro

It'll take place prior to spyro's defeat of malefor (so you legend of spyro people get the better end of the deal), so i'll have to write that in, after some friendships are built (hint hint hint...) and things are settled.

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